Virtual Book Stand
Conference of the Leibniz Research Network „Environmental Crisis – Crisis Environments" (CrisEn)
Keynote: "Turning Enviromental Crises into Risks to Prevent Catastrophes?"
- Shehayeb, Raghid; Ortlepp, Regine; Schanze, Jochen (2024): A drought and heat risk assessment framework for urban green infrastructure , in: Climate Resilience and Sustainability 3 (2024) 1: e263 3.
- Mallick, Bishawjit; Priovashini, Chup; Schanze, Jochen (2023): I can migrate, but why should I?” – voluntary non-migration despite creeping environmental risks , In: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (2023) : 34, DOI:10.1057/s41599-023-01516-1.
- Müller, Andrea B.; Bennett, Christy; Avellán, Tamara; Schanze, Jochen (2023): Testing the integrated Risk and Sustainability Assessment (RSA) Framework for ‘water scarcity – water reuse’ situations: The case of Cerrillos de Tamaya, Chile , In: Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 5 (2023) : 100203, DOI: 10.1016/j.crsust.2022.100203 (Online First 2022).
- Schanze, Jochen; Hornidge, Anna-Katharina; Hutter, Gérard; Macke, Andreas; Osberghaus, Daniel: Umweltkrisen , in: Bösch, Frank; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Kroll, Stefan, Handbuch Krisenforschung (2020), Springer VS.
- Bösch, Frank; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Kroll, Stefan (2020): Handbuch Krisenforschung , Springer VS.
Literature for Panel 1: "Rural Development in Crises"
- Eshetu, Shibire Bekele; Kipkulei, Harison; Koepke, Julian; Kaechele, Harald; Sieber, Stefan; Löhr, Katharina. (2024). Impact of forest landscape restoration in combating soil erosion in the Lake Abaya catchment, Southern Ethiopia , in: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-024-12378-8.
- Bunker, Aditi; Compoaré, Guillaume; Odhiambo Sewe, Maquins; Laurent, Jose Guillermo Cedeno; Zabré, Pascal; Boudo, Valentin; Ouédraogo, Windpanga Aristide; Ouermi, Lucienne; Jackson, Susan T.; Arisco, Nicholas; Vijayakumar, Govind; Yildirim, Ferhat Baran ; Barteit, Sandra; Maggioni, Martina Anna; Woodward, Alistair; Buonocore, Jonathan J.; Regassa, Mekdim Dereje; Brück, Tilman; Sié, Ali; Bärnighausen, Till (2024): The effects of cool roofs on health, environmental, and economic outcomes in rural Africa: study protocol for a community-based cluster randomized controlled trial , in: Trials 25(59), DOI: 10.1186/s13063-023-07804-0.
- Glauben, Thomas; Svanidze, Miranda (2023): Globaler Agrarhandel: robustes Sicherheitsnetz zur Reduktion von Hungerrisiken in Krisenzeiten , in: Wirtschaftsdienst 103 (7): 491–499.
- Ghvanidze, Sophie; Bitsch, Linda; Hanf, Jon Henrich; Svanidze, Miranda (2020): “The Cradle of Wine Civilization” — Current developments in the wine industry of the Caucasus , in: Caucasus Analytical Digest (117): 9–14.
Literature for Panel 2: "Enviroment and Conflict"
- Deepen, Yannick; Bank, André; Grauvogel, Julia; Kurtenbach, Sabine Kurtenbach (2023): COVID-19 and Violent Actors in the Global South: An Inter- and Cross-Regional Comparison , German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA).
- Bank, André; Kurtenbach, Sabine (2020): Covid-19 als Chance für den Frieden? Ernüchternde Erfahrungen aus Kolumbien und Syrien , in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung / ZeFKo Studies in Peace and Conflict, 9, 403-415, DOI: 10.1007/s42597-020-00044-y.
- Kurtenbach, Sabine; Pinzón, Viviana García; Bank, André (2022): Narrative map on "COVID-19 and Dynamics of (Post)War Violence" , Story Map.
- Wesch, Stefanie; Rheinbay, Jana (2021): Climate Insecurity: Undermining Rural Livelihoods in Niger, PeaceLab Blog, 17. März 2021.
- Wesch, Stefanie; Murken, Lisa; Vinke, Kira (2019): Warum Klimaschutz Krisenprävention ist: Das Beispiel Burkina Faso , PeaceLab Blog, 3. September 2019.
- Flamm, Patrick; Kroll, Stefan (2024): Environmental (in)security, peacebuilding and green economic recovery in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine , in: Environment and Security, 1–26, DOI: 10.1177/27538796241231332 .
- Vinke, Kira; Dröge, Susanne; Gießmann, Hans-Joachim; Hamm, Charlotte; Kroll, Stefan; Rheinbay, Janna; Wesch, Stefanie (2021): Klimawandel und Konflikte. Herausforderungen für die deutsche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik . Published by Beirat Zivile Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung. Studie 2.
- Daase, Christopher; Kroll, Stefan (2019): Angriff auf die liberale Weltordnung. Die amerikanische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik unter Donald Trump , Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Literature for Panel 3: "Politics and Polarization in the Face of a Changing Climate"
- Reinl, Ann-Kathrin; Katsanidou, Alexia; Pötzschke, Steffen (2023): Is the grass greener on the other side?: Benchmarking Covid-19 vaccine procurement against the British experience, in: European Political Science Review online first, DOI: 10.1017/S1755773923000188.
- Katsanidou, Alexia; Kneuer, Marianna; Bensmann, Felix; Dimitrov, Dimitar; Dietze, Stefan (2023): Limitations of democratic rights during the Covid-19 pandemic—exploring the citizens’ perception and discussions on dangers to democracy in Germany , in: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, DOI: 10.1007/s12286-023-00556-w.
- Mullis, Daniel (2024): Der Aufstieg der Rechten in Krisenzeiten: Die Regression der Mitte , Reclam Verlag (i.E.).
- Mullis, Daniel (2023): Ungehorsamer Klimaprotest: Proteste werden intensiver – eine Radikalisierung in die Gewalt ist nicht in Sicht , PRIF Spotlight, 1/2023.
- Mullis, Daniel (2022): „Wutwinter“, heißer Herbst und Klimakrise: Ohne sozial-ökologische Vision erstarkt die extreme Rechte " , PRIF Blog, 14.9.2022.
- Christophersen, Casper; Giuzio, Margherita; Kumar, Hradayesh; Parker, Miles; Schölermann, Hanni et al. (2023): What to do about Europe’s climate insurance gap , ECB Blog, April 24, 2023.
- Born, Alexandra; Giuzio, Margherita; Lambert, Claudia; Salakhova, Dilyara; Schölermann, Hanni; Tamburrini, Fabio (2021): Towards a green capital markets union: developing sustainable, integrated and resilient European capital markets , in: Macroprudential Bulletin Focus No. 15, Oktober 19, 2021.